Weapons bound for Syria seized in Lebanon

PARIS. April 28. KAZINFORM Authorities in Lebanon have detained a ship carrying weapons believed to be for opposition fighters in Syria.

The vessel began its journey in Libya, stopping at the Egyptian port of Alexandria, and ultimately bound for Tripoli port in north Lebanon, the euronews reports.

Weapons discovered included rocket-propelled grenades and rifles.

UN monitors are in the northern Syrian city of Idlib -where the conflict between opposition and government forces that has caused many to flee to neighbouring Turkey.

Ahead of a larger delegation of observers next week, the ones already in Syria are also visiting other restive regions including Homs, Hama and Deraa.

Head of the team of UN observers Colonel Ahmed Himiche said: "We achieved one of our main tasks which was liaison with the parties in order to prepare and plan for the arrival of the 300 monitors that have been mandated by the Security Council. So this is a step forward."

Most of the violence has not affected the capital, but on Friday 11 people were killed and 20 wounded after a series of explosions in Damascus, including one near a mosque popular with anti-government protesters.

Read more http://www.euronews.com/news/  


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