Weather forecast for Kazakhstan Nov 28

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM – Most of Kazakhstan will see weather without precipitation on Sunday, November 28. A mix of rain and snow is forecast only for the west of the country, Kazinform has learnt from Kazhydromet.

Wind gusting up to 15-20 mps is expected in Turkestan, Akmola, North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, East Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda, Karaganda, and Kostanay regions. Gusts may reach up to 23-28 mps in Almaty and Zhambyl regions.

Parts of Almaty, Turkestan, West Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan, Zhambyl and Kostanay regions will be steeped in fog.

Chances of blizzard will be high in Kostanay and Pavlodar regions.

Motorists and pedestrians in West Kazakhstan region should use caution on icy roads.

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