07:00, 18 September 2015 | GMT +5
Weather forecast for Sep 18
ASTANA. KAZINFORM Weather without precipitation is expected in most parts of Kazakhstan on September 18. Unstable weather with local showers and strong wind will hit north-western and northern regions of the republic. Fog is possible in some areas.
As the national meteorological service informs, wind speed in Almaty region (in the area of Zhalanashkol) will increase up to 17-22 meters per second. Strong wind at 15-20 meters per second is forecast for Pavlodar region and Kostanay region in the daytime. Fog is expected in some areas of West Kazakhstan, and in the morning in Mangystau and East Kazakhstan regions. Extremely high fire risk remains in Kyzylorda region and in parts of South Kazakhstan, Zhambyl, West Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Kostanay regions.