09:01, 21 February 2015 | GMT +5
Weather without precipitation expected on Saturday
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Weather without precipitation expected on Saturday, February 21, in most parts of Kazakhstan.
According to Kazhydromet, wind will strengthen to 15-20 mps in Akmola, Pavlodar, East Kazakhstan regions of the country. Strong winds to 15-20 mps, drifting snow and fog will rule the day in Kostanay, North Kazakhstan, and Karaganda regions. Fog will blanket Zhambyl, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and Aktobe regions. Wind of 15-20 mps will blow in Kyzylorda, Mangystau regions. Wind of 17-22 mps will persist as usually in Zhalanashkol mountain area of Almaty region. Foggy weather is expected in South Kazakhstan region. In some places wind will strengthen to 15-20 mps.