WEEKLY REVIEW: Kazakhstan completes work at over-all project on Northern Aral Sea rehabilitation

ASTANA. November 16. KAZINFORM The Kazakh Government plans to tune up cooperation with Russia's Skolkovo Centre. The Kazakh Agriculture Ministry starts satellite monitoring to evaluate yielding capacity of the country's fields. Force structures will step up cooperation with Central Asian agencies.

On Monday, October 12, delegation from Kazakhstan headed by Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov paid a visit to Skolkovo Innovation Center in Moscow.

The delegation visited the territory of Skolkovo Technopark and got acquainted with its work and innovative projects of the companies based at Skolkovo.

President of Skolkovo Foundation Viktor Vekselberg emphasized Russia and Kazakhstan's mutual interest in the development of innovative projects. "Currently we do cooperate in many spheres. We attract a lot of experts from Kazakhstan. We are working on the implementation of a number of projects and are interested in the development of scientific and research activities," he said.

The head of the Fund believes that cooperation with Kazakhstan can be focused on such traditional sectors as energy, oil and gas fields development with the use of advanced technologies

Serik Akhmetov and Viktor Vekselberg also discussed the prospects of joint work.

The delegation also familiarized with the Russian ERA GLONASS automated emergency response system in the course of his working visit to Moscow.

The presentation was held at the headquarters of JSC "Navigation-Information Systems" ("NIS GLONASS") in the Russian capital.

According to the developers, ERA-GLONASS system is an initiative to combine mobile communications and satellite positioning to provide rapid assistance to motorists in the event of a collision.

After the presentation, the head of the Kazakh Cabinet said the system could be used in Kazakhstan. "Your experience in this sphere is of particular interest. We will create a working group headed by Transport and Communications Minister of Kazakhstan Askar Zhumagaliyev in order to study this issue and the system itself," S. Akhmetov said during his conversation with the leadership of "NIS GLONASS" company.

Later in the day Kazakh Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov met with Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

The parties focused on a wide range of issues concerning strengthening bilateral trade and economic relations, including, energy, transport and space cooperation issues, integration within the Customs Union and Single Economic Space.

The Kazakh PM stressed the importance of the development of multilateral cooperation within the CU and SES. According to him, to raise efficiency of cooperation it is crucial to precisely fulfill all the decisions taken within the integration alliances.

In his turn, Medvedev noted significance of the points at issue and highlighted necessity to speed up trade, economic and investment cooperation with the key strategic partner.

Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Serik Akhmetov chaired a session of the Government on Tuesday, November 13.

Justice Minister Berik Imashev presented the draft conceptual plan of legislative drafting for 2012-2016, long-term plan of legislative draft work of the Government for 2014-2015 and the plan of legislative draft work of the Government for 2013, the PM's official website reads.

"Cargo traffic via Kazakhstan will reach 30 million tons till 2020," Kazakh Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov  announced the same day opening the Third International Rail Business Forum "Strategic partnership 1520: Central Asia" at the Radisson Hotel in Astana.

Heads of the national railway companies of Kazakhstan, Russia and other countries of the "1520", reps of the Kazakh Government, as well as companies operating in the field of rail transportation and engineering participated in the event.

The head of the Kazakh Government stressed President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev pays special attention to the development of transit potential in realization of large-scale infrastructure integration projects.

"The President initiated a large project "Kazakhstan - New Silk Road" which will contribute to the development of Kazakhstan as a trade, logistic, and business hub of Central Asia and, first of all, a transit bridge between Europe and Asia.

Besides, Akhmetov noted such projects as the establishment  of the International Centre of Boundary  Cooperation  (ICBC) Khorgos will be a key point within "The New Silk Road."

Considerable attention during the forum was paid to the establishment of a competitive transport product for the needs of the Chinese economy, stepping up of container business in the direction of "East-West", creation of the modern rolling stock, development of the travel market.

One of the key issues at the forum was the planned creation of an integrated transport and logistics system of the Single Economic Space, which should give a powerful impetus to the development of integration.

"Kazakhstan has completed its harvesting campaign," Agriculture Vice Minister Muslim Umiryayev told a press conference held on November 13.

As the data provided by the agriculture departments of the local administrations indicate, as of November 10, 2012, the regions gathered about 14.8 mln of wheat crop. The average yield of wheat was fixed at 9.8 centners per ha.

Drought decreased this year gross grain harvest against 2011 by 14.7 mln tons (by 2.2 times).

On Wednesday Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev chaired a session of the Security Council in Akorda Presidential Residence.

The session focused on the prospects of development of the Caspian region's infrastructure and measures to ensure security and stability in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

The Head of State stressed the development of the Caspian regions of our country should be of gradual and holistic character. It is necessary to define the role of each region of the country in its economy and security. The Caspian region is the main source of hydrocarbon production and the only sea gate for Kazakhstan.

In addition, participants of the session discussed the problems of industrialization of the Caspian regions, employment, drinking water provision and tourism development.

The Kazakh Leader instructed the Government and government bodies concerned to work out and implement reasonable efforts to develop the region's infrastructure, solve socioeconomic and ecological problems.

The session of the Security Council also reviewed other issues of regional and international security.

On Thursday, November 15, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Serik Akhmetov paid a working visit to Kyzylorda region.

S.Akhmetov got familiarized with the social and economic development of Baikonur town, visit lyceum "International Space School named after V.Chelomeya", launch site "Gagarin's Start" and the museum of Y.Gagarin and S.Korolev.

The issues of public-private partnership in rural areas, local self-government, implementation of the Program of Agro-industrial Complex Development - 2020 were discussed within the framework of a presentation of the program on development of supporting rural areas.

In Kyzylorda, the Premier got familiarized with the project on development of a new administrative center of the city. Besides, S.Akhmetov visited the regional medical center and the House of Youth where graduates of orphanages live.

A session chaired by S.Akhmetov was held within the framework of a visit to a new business center. The results of social and economic development and the progress in implementation of the state programs in the region were discussed at the session.

Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov has visited a settlement named after N.Ilyassov in the course of a working trip to Kyzylorda region.

There, the head of the Government was informed of the development program of the principal rural-type settlements, promotion of public private partnership in the region, local self-government and agricultural sector of the region.

In the settlement S. Akhmetov surveyed models of agricultural equipment assembled in the region and met with the heads of agricultural organizations. Most notably, at the meeting with the agrarians Serik Akhmetov emphasized it was necessary to attract young specialists into the rural areas of the country.

After that the Kazakh Prime Minister visited the Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum. He also familiarized with activities of the regional medical center that admits more than 45 thousand patients each year. The center boasts modern equipment and staff of 1 500 people, including 200 doctors.

A session summed up results of the working trip and focused on the indicators of socioeconomic development of the region and implementation of the state programs there.

"One of the projects implementation of which is controlled by the Head of State is the preservation of the Aral Sea," S. Akhmetov told the session.

In this connection, the head of the Government charged the Ministry of Agriculture together with the region's administration to complete the final project of the Aral Sea revival and adopt a step-by-step plan of the project's realization.

In addition, Prime Minister Akhmetov assigned the government bodies concerned to review the problems of gas supply provision in Kyzylorda region.

The II Congress of Zhas Otan Youth Wing took place in Astana on Friday. Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev charged to take into consideration all the fundamental provisions of the Zhas Otan strategy until 2020 adopted there. Besides, Nursultan Nazarbayev charged the Government and Nur Otan Party to complete the youth policy bill and submit it to the Parliament.










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