WEEKLY REVIEW: Kazakhstan is ready for global changes and supports measures on strengthening of Tajik-Afghan border

ASTANA. September 27. KAZINFORM According to authoritative international organizations' estimates, Kazakhstan entered the top 20 countries ready for change index this year. This ranking shows which countries are more sustainable towards global changes caused by natural disasters and which are able to use their opportunities in such situations and control the changes. Also, this week, Kazakhstan and China eyed cooperation in space sphere.

On Monday (September 23), Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Serik Akhmetov attended the meeting of the CSTO Collective Security Council in Sochi that brought together the heads of the CSTO member states. At the meeting it was announced that the CSTO Council chairmanship passed to President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

During the Council's narrow format meeting Kazakh Premier Akhmetov stressed that "the growing instability in Afghanistan, activation of the movement "Taliban" make us think and prepare for a possible negative development of the situation in Central Asia after 2014."

"Strengthening the Tajik-Afghan border is vital for the CSTO. Kazakhstan supports the adoption of today's decision on this issue," Akhmetov said.

Serik Akhmetov also noted that Kazakhstan supports the adoption of the Declaration on the situation in Syria and around it and the decision of the Syrian authorities on the transfer of chemical weapons under international control that would be a prerequisite for a real solution to the conflict in Syria. In this context, the Geneva II conference gives a great opportunity to end the violence and determine the political future of Syria through dialogue and reconciliation.

Minister of Agriculture Assylzhan Mamytbekov announced on Monday that Kazakhstan is projected to harvest nearly 18.5 million tons of grain in 2013. At the same time, the export potential is estimated at 9-9.5 million tons of grain.

On Tuesday (September 24) Head of the Kazakh Government Serik Akhmetov urged mayors of the cities to fire the directors of power networks responsible for poor preparation for the upcoming heating season.

According to Vice Minister of Industry and New Technologies B.Dzhaksaliyev, some regions lag behind the schedule in terms of preparedness for the heating season. In this connection, Serik Akhmetov instructed to monitor the preparedness of residential areas and social facilities for the heating season. He also supported the proposal of Minister of Regional Development Bakytzhan Sagintayev to draft a bill on heat supply.

On Wednesday (September 25) the Kazakh Space Agency's delegation headed by its Chairman Talgat Mussabayev discussed cooperation in space activity with Chinese companies within the 64th International Astronautical Congress in Beijing. Talgat Mussabayev met with head of the China National Space Administration and Vice-Ministe of Industry and Information Technology Ma Xingrui. The parties discussed issues of cooperation in manned space flights and Ma Xingrui praised the possibility of Kazakh cosmonaut's joining the Chinese crew.

The same day First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev paid a working visit to South Kazakhstan region, where he visited a number of agricultural and industrial enterprises. The region faces problems related to the predominance of cotton monoculture, water supply deficit during the growing season, deterioration of meliorative condition of lands.

At the 3rd session of the intergovernmental working group on the study of national history chaired by Secretary of State Marat Tazhin on Wednesday, Minister of Culture and Information Mukhtar Kul-Mukhammed reported on the work done by the ministry. In his words, 2 170 materials dedicated to the 'Nation in flow of history' topic were published. More than 50 mass media in Kazakhstan publish materials and information about the national history regularly. Marat Tazhin instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to get the issues related to the foreign trips of Kazakhstani historians under special control.

Kazakh Foreign Minister Erlan Idrissov took part in the opening of the general debate and high-level political forum on sustainable development at the 68th session of the UN General Assembly on Thursday (September 26). Kazakhstan's candidacy to become a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2017-2018 was the key theme of bilateral negotiations Minister Idrissov held in New York.

A regular meeting of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the 28th Winter Universiade in 2017 in Almaty was held under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov on Friday (September 27). A logo, a mascot and a slogan of the Winter Universiade, and the progress of construction of sports facilities were debated by the Cabinet. Following the meeting of the organizing committee the Prime Minister gave a number of instructions to interested state agencies.

Vice Prime Minister of Kazakhstan and Minister of Industry and New Technologies Asset Issekeshev became the signatory to the cooperation agreement with the Principality of Monaco in the sphere of tourism on Friday. The agreement was inked in Monte Carlo by Issekeshev and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Monaco José Badia within President Nazarbayev's two-day official visit to Monaco.

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