WEEKLY REVIEW: New industrialization program of Kazakhstan attracts more foreign investors

ASTANA. November 23. KAZINFORM Kazakhstan forms a new youth policy, pays special attention to youth employment. Zhanaozen gives apartments to public sector workers and young families. Despite this year's drought, Kazakhstan exports grain and seeks new markets.

On Monday, PM Sserik Akhmetov held a conference call on energy conservation and raising energy efficiency. Heads of concerned ministries, governors of the regions reported on realization of the energy efficiency complex plan for 2012-2015.

"Notwithstanding the rise of registered crimes, crime rate in Kazakhstan did not take a turn for the worse," Kazakh Minister of Internal Affairs  Kalmukhanbet Kassymov said at the government's hour at the Kazakh Majilis.

According to statistics, criminality rose by 50% and amounted to 226 thousands crimes. Despite this, the crime rate has not got worse. "We have disclosed more than 75 thousands crimes that were unexposed," he added.

Speaking Tuesday at the session of the Kazakh Government on Tuesday, Minister of Education and Science Bakytzhan Zhumagulov stated the rate of youth unemployment in Kazakhstan dropped fourfold and amounted to 3.8%.

According to Minister Zhumagulov, Kazakhstan has surpassed Europe and the CIS member states where the youth unemployment makes 18%, and in some countries hits the disappointing mark of 40%.

"In many ways the problem of youth recruitment is solved through "Employment-2020" State Program and other socially important initiatives," the minister explained.

Number of public education grants will remain the same, Bakytzhan Zhumagulov, Minister of Education and Science, reassured the journalists after the session of the Government.

The number of public education grants will not decrease and it has nothing to do with a newly established education savings system, according to B. Zhumagulov.

 Minister of Education explained that national education savings system was an additional mechanism to expand access to education in Kazakhstan.

"Kazakhstan may export grain to Sri Lanka," Kazakh Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov said taking the floor at the Kazakh-Sri Lankan Business Forum held November 20 at the Rixos Hotel in Astana.

"Kazakhstan ranks among the world's top ten grain exporters. We export grain to more than 70 countries around the world. We export up to 12 mln tons in the marketing year. We are ready to consider the opportunities to export Kazakhstan's grain to your country," Akhmetov said.

On Wednesday Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Serik Akhmetov paid a working visit to Mangystau region.

In Zhanaozen Serik Akhmetov handed over the key to the new apartments to young families and public sector workers at the Rauan residential complex build under the town development complex plan for 2012-2020.

Later the PM visited the Ozen Darkhan greenhouse complex, met with Ozenmunaigas drilling department workers.

Next day Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov was on a working visit to Atyrau region.

The Premier got familiarizes with the process of implementation of big projects in the oil and gas sector and the State Program of Forced Industrial-Innovative Development.

He visited the artificial island D in the Caspian Sea in order to survey Kashagan oilfield infrastructure development, Bolashak plant that processes offshore oil prior to export.

"The North Caspian project enters its final straight," managing director of North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC) Pierre Offan informed Kazakh PM Serik Akhmetov.

According to him, the first crude production on the deposit will start in several months. Starting from 370,000 barrels per day the oil production on Kashagan at the first stage will reach 450,000 barrels per day.

Besides, he surveyed Chevron MunaiGas Inc plant and Rauan Nalco chemical blend plant.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and New Technologies, Asset Isekeshev attended on Thursday the 3rd international investment forum KaragandaInvest 2012.

"For the past 4 years Kazakhstan attracted USd 62 bln of direct foreign investments. For the first six months of 2012 the country attracted USD 10 bln of direct foreign investments," he said.  He outlined three factors influencing the investment policy such as technologic revolution in the world economy, integration processes and new industrialization program of Kazakhstan. investors are propsed noew certain projects. The country adopted the national investment plan.

On Thursday Deputy Prime Minister Krymbek Kusherbayev visited North Kazakhstan region. In a meeting with the region's core group Kusherbayev assessed realization of state and sectoral programs highlighting the practice of introduction of new technologies into agriculture and industry.

On November 22 President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev addressed the 152 session of the General Assembly of the Bureau of International Exhibitions (BIE) in a video message one hour prior to the final voting for the EXPO-2017 host city.

The Head of State noted 'two decades ago our country was little known.' "Today Kazakhstan has become a vital part of the international community. We are open to investments, partners and modern technologies," President Nazarbayev stressed.

"Kazakhstan has suggested "The Energy of Future" topic. Hosting of such event in our country will change the future of Kazakhstan, make it unique. As you may know, Kazakhstan is rich in oil, gas, uranium and coal. At the same time, we strive to elicit the potential of alternative energy sources," N. Nazarbayev said.

"Astana was built 14 years ago in the heart of Eurasia on the Silk Road. If you ever visit our capital, you will enter into the spirit of Astana," the Kazakh Leader noted.

"We are waiting impatiently for the decision to be made. Astana's bid is filled with the energy of the whole Kazakh nation," President Nazarbayev concluded.

On Friday speaking at the VI "KAZGRAIN-2012" Forum in Astana, Vice Prime Minister Krymbek Kusherbayev said it was crucial to concentrate on grain processing.

"Agricultural sector of Kazakhstan boasts unique capacities: we can ramp up production and grain exports to the world market. However, it is improvident to focus on grain exports only. We need to develop grain processing," K. Kusherbayev stressed.

According to the Vice Prime Minister, it is crucial to work out the national strategy on risk management in the sphere of grain production as climate fluctuation may lead to more frequent and intense periods of drought.

"Since the beginning of the marketing year, Kazakhstan has exported above 3 mln tons of grain," Vice Minister of Agriculture Mulsim Umiryayev said addressing KAZGRAIN 2012 Forum.

"For the 2011-2012 marketing year the country's grain export hit record up to 12 mln tons. Since the start of the current marketing year, July 1, 2012 we have exported more than 3 mln tons, inclusive of flour in grain equivalent," he added.

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