Why struggle at work is good for your career
Yet despite what society would have you believe, years of research into the topic indicates that struggle is actually essential for career advancement. Rather than avoiding struggle -- or worse, denying it exists -- those looking to take their career to the next level must learn how to embrace struggle as an opportunity for learning and growth.
Making this shift requires determination; it means bucking beliefs that have surreptitiously seeped into our collective sub-conscious -- that struggle is a sign of weakness and therefore a source of embarrassment and shame. This attitude toward struggle is not only counterproductive -- leading to self-defeating behaviors including retreating inward with self-doubt and avoiding necessary risk for fear of failure -- it is also wrong, Kazinform quotes CNN.
The fact of the matter is that struggle is a natural and inevitable part of career growth. But it doesn't have to be painful. By breaking away from cultural stereotypes to embrace struggle as an art to be mastered, you open a new set of possibilities for career growth.
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