Wiesbaden hosts Kazakh-German economic forum
The event was attended by representatives of political and business circles of Hesse including officials of state agencies, research centers as well as the leadership of German companies in different industries. Kazakh side was represented by «KAZNEX INVEST» National Agency and «Astana EXPO-2017» Corporation .
The forum covered the most relevant issues of two-side economic collaboration, such as renewable energy, processing industry and environmental technologies.
It has been emphasized that Kazakhstan plays an important role in energy strategy of the federal government. A good chance for German business provides preparation and holding International Exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana, themed «Energy of the future».
The event was organized in connection with the state government of Hesse and with the support of the Chamber of Commerce of Wiesbaden in the context of main priorities of «Strategy 2050» State Program of Forced Industrial-Innovative Development of Kazakhstan as well as the agreements reached during the visit of Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakh leader, to Germany in February last year.
Hesse is a federal land which is located in the heart of Germany. Today it is one of the largest economic centers of the state and one of the most dynamic regions in Europe. Here are the plants of the world-famous companies such as «Opel», «Volkswagen», «Thyssen» and others. Major economic role is played by Frankfurt am Main metropolis, where are situated many German and foreign banks from around the world as well as the fourth largest broker's board. The main Hesse asset is Frankfurt Airport being the largest in Germany.