Wildfires in 2 regions of Kazakhstan destroyed 0.6% of country’s forests

Photo credit: pixabay.com

The wooded area of Kazakhstan grew by 2,182,400 hectares, while the forest cover increased by 1,153,300 hectares between January 2013 and January 2024, the Kazakh Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry told Kazinform News Agency.

In the past two years, the devastating wildfires raged through two regions of Kazakhstan, Abai and Kostanay regions, destroying 0.6% of the country’s forests.

Wildfires that tore through Kostanay region sparked on September 2, 2022. The fire was suppressed only on September 10.

Over 60,000 hectares of forests were burnt in the Semey ormany nature reserve in Abai region last June. The deadliest wildfires killed 14 foresters.

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