21:00, 05 March 2014 | GMT +5
Winter Olympics participant Ekaterina Idova met with young Karaganda athletes.
KARAGANDA.KAZINFORM - Skater Ekaterina Idova, the participant of the Winter Olympics in Sochi met with students of the winter sports school and a boarding school for gifted children in sport where she told she would spend her time restoring her physical form.
Idova expressed her view on the reasons of her poor performance at the Olympic Games in Sochi. "An athlete is an ordinary human being who might catch a cold. My physical shape was not good enough. The main reason, I think, was ailment. Moreover, the atmosphere was not friendly either."
However, according to her coach's opinion there were some mistakes in preparation, both strategic and tactical ones. He believes that Idova should not have taken part in the World Cup in Japan.
Idova herself is optimistic about her future in sport.
"Ice skating is a sport for centenarians. I will be persistent in preparing for the next Olympic Games", she said.