Working group on development of draft Strategy of Kazakhstan?s socio-economic development till 2020 holds session

ASTANA. April 23. KAZINFORM Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov has chaired a regular session of the working group on development of the draft Strategy of Kazakhstan?s socio-economic development till 2020 in Ukimet Uiy; Kazinform refers to the Premier?s press service.
The working group was created to execute President Nursultan Nazarbayev?s commissions on the development of the Strategy of the country?s development by 2020 within the framework of ?Kazakhstan - 2030? Development Strategy. Representative of the President?s Administration, the Government members, Majilis and local executive bodies took part in it. At the session the group?s members considered proposals on strategic development of the system of the internal affairs bodies and state policy in the sphere of law-enforcement activity, and etc.
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