Workshop on freedom of thought, conscience and religion issues held in Astana

The issues of freedom of conscience and religion in the world and in Kazakhstan, in particular, the ways of their resolution and analysis of the national experience were discussed at the workshop.
Chairman of the Committee on Religious Affairs of the Kazakh Ministry of Justice Ardak Doszhan noted that Kazakhstan will always be the territory of peace and interconfessional accord.
The participants of the workshop stressed that the Kazakh experience in tolerance and interconfessional dialogue became one of the bases for approval of our country at the post of the OSCE chairman. Scientists, theologians and representatives of confessions agreed that the experience of Kazakhstan will be useful for Europe.
The participants reported on the achievements of the republic in the field of freedom of conscience and faith, political value of freedom of thought. Special attention was paid to the necessity of strengthening of the cooperation between secular and religious institutions in order to modernize and improve the interfaith dialogue and accord.
The event was organized by the Committee on Religious Affairs of the Kazakh Ministry of Justice together with the International Centre of Cultures and Religions.