World achievements of KazNU scientists presented in Almaty

ALMATY. KAZINFORM - Within the framework of the V International Farabi Readings, a big event was held at KazNU, where the results of scientific research activities of University scientists were summed up.

After summarizing the results of the work, it was noted that the number of publications in international magazines indexed in the «Web of Science» and «Scopus» databases has been increasing year by year, primarily due to the improvement of the quality of conducted research and collaboration with the world's leading Universities and Research Centers, Kazinform has learnt from the university's press service.

For example, two publications of KazNU scientists K. Kuratov and V. Zaibert, who worked in international research team, were published in authoritative scientific magazines «Nature» and «Science» that have one of the highest impact factor indexes. It should be noted that every fifth Kazakhstani publication in highly rated magazines is the contribution of KazNU scientists.

Professor of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology G. Mun is a recognized leader in the science of interpolymer complexes. According to the authoritative «Web of Science» agency in the scientific world, he and his student V. Khutoriansky occupy the first positions in the world ranking of scientists in this field of research.

Researchers of Al-Farabi KazNU have been developing innovative technologies that have no analogues in the world. Thus, a team of scientists led by Rector, Academician G.Mutanov has created innovative technologies for the extraction of beryllium and obtained three U.S. patents.

The Scientific School of KazNU on theoretical plasma physics is known for its world achievements. Well-known universities in the world conduct research on the properties of non-ideal plasma based on equations and models developed by KazNU scientists under the supervision of academician T. Ramazanov. Scientific articles of representatives of the School have been cited by researchers of the world three thousand times.

It should be noted that over the past three years the scope of scientific research in KazNU has more than doubled.



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