XIV session of People’s Assembly of Kazakhstan held in Almaty

He reminded the words of the Head of the State that the Assembly works today under the new legal status determined by a special law and significantly developed in terms of organization. The Assembly elects nine deputies to Mazhilis of the Kazakh Parliament in such manner having become an acting force of the young Kazakhstani democracy.
The issues of the allotment of three public unions as "Polish Cultural Center of Almaty", "Avicenna Cultural Center", "Ariana Afghan Center" as well as principal areas of activities for 2010 were determined.
Representatives of over 120 ethnos live, 30 municipal and 21 national ethnic unions act in Almaty for today. Representatives of different ethnic groups and confessions live together in Almaty considering this city as their native home.
Heads of ethnic-cultural unions, members of the Council of the People's Assembly of Kazakhstan of Almaty city, mayors of districts and mass media took part in the event.