12:22, 15 April 2009 | GMT +5
XVI session of Education Council of EurAsEC Integration Committee kicks off in Astana
ASTANA. April 15. KAZINFORM /Kamat Kulshmanov/ XVI session of the Education Council under the EurAsEC Integration Committee has started its work in ?Tengri? Hotel in Astana. Executive Secretary of the Kazakh ministry of Education and Science Farkhad Kuanganov delivered an opening speech; Kazinform reports.

?We plan to consider a number of issues, including drawing-up recommendations on the legislation harmonization in the sphere of education; specific agreements on cooperation in this sphere, a course of preparation to holding the second sitting of the EurAsEC education ministries. Besides, following the results of the session decisions on criterions of mutual recognition of documents confirming education?, F.Kuanganov said.
It is also planned to discuss a further strategy of the Council?s activity, determinate specific measures of integration in the educational sphere and elaboration of prospective international documents aimed at formation of the EurAsEC space of general education.
The event is promoted by the Kazakh Ministry of Education and Science jointly with the Secretariat of the EurAsEC Integration Committee.