11:06, 01 April 2009 | GMT +5
YESSET KOKIULY (1667-1749) – famous Kazakh commander, who asserted enormous influence over the liberation war of the Kazakh people against the Dzungars. He is from the Zhetyru tribe of the Small zhuz.
His father Koki was a great batyr and hero of the liberation war of 1635-1643, he was named ?Taimas batyr?.
Yesset was named batyr for his heroism. Yesset batyr headed the army of the Small zhuz in victorious battles under the leadership of Tauke khan.
In 1710 Yesset became head of the Alim tribe, in 1722 ? commander of a union of the Zhetyru tribes.
Yesset batyr made a great contribution to the Great Victory over the Dzungars, taking part in one of the victorious battles. In 1720-1721 he won the Dzungars in the Temir steppe.
In 1730 Yesset batyr approved himself as an excellent tactician, heading the main army of the Small zhuz. In 1742 Yesset batyr won the Volga Kalmyks.
Yesset?s life was closely related to the policy of Abilkhair khan, he was a confidant advisor to the khan. Together with batyrs Bogenbai and Zhanibek he helped Abilkhair khan, supported him, especially in the accession to czar?s Russia.
The batyr took an active part in development of economic and political relationships between Russia and Kazakhstan, and in struggle against the Yedil Kalmyks.
Yesset batyr died at the age of 82.
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