Young people should be free of historical wounds and grievances – Kazakh Senate Chairman Ashimbayev

Senate Speaker
Photo credit: Kazakh Senate

Chairman of the Senate of the Kazakh Parliament Maulen Ashimbayev pointed out the importance of the tasks given by the Kazakh President during the 33rd session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and shared his view on the role of the Assembly in realizing these tasks, Kazinform News Agency reports.

In his speech, the President of Kazakhstan stressed the importance of national unity and solidarity in this responsible period of our state. Tokayev thanked the Assembly’s members for their active participation in battling the impact of the large-scale floods in a number of regions of the country. Thousands of the Assembly’s volunteers join the efforts to eliminate the aftermath of the natural disaster. As it was noted by the Kazakh President, all those affected by floods will be provided with necessary assistance and support from the state. No one will be left behind. Business representatives are also actively helping. The role of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan in strengthening interethnic harmony and stability as well as promoting tolerance, peace and accord in the society was highlighted. This is especially the case during the time when large-scale economic, social and political reforms aimed at building an effective and human-orientated economy and democratic political system are under implementation, said Ashimbayev.

The Senate speaker stressed that today the country is coping with many issues that have accumulated for decades in different spheres. Under such circumstances, as the President said, peace, stability and mutual understanding in the society are the key conditions for achieving the objectives set.

That’s particularly relevant against the difficult geopolitical situation in the world. Contradictions and conflicts between some countries are growing, which comes in handy for separate forces to promote radical ideologies and incite xenophobia. In this context, Kazakhstan progressively promotes the agenda of mutual understanding, dialogue and zero tolerance to any indications of radicalism and extremism. The Head of State emphasized the special role of the youth in carrying our large-scale reforms. The creative potential of the nation is only realized through citizens who are free, creative, open to new ideas, hardworking and tolerant. Therefore, it is necessary to teach young people right values, respect for the state language, traditions and history of our nation. At the same time, young people need to be free of historical wounds and grievances, dogmatism and long-sanding cultural stereotypes. The Assembly of People of Kazakhstan has an important role to play in educating such a new generation of Kazakhstanis, he said.

The Kazakh Senate speaker noted that a lot of work is being carried out to combat negative phenomena such as drug addition, gambling disorder, domestic violence and vandalism that take place in the society.

To this end, consolidation of efforts of the State and all public institutions, firstly the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, is necessary. The Head of State also set tasks to develop the humanitarian potential of the Assembly. The 30th anniversary of this institution in 2025 provides a good opportunity for implementing a number of social projects and initiatives, said Ashimbayev.

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