11:45, 21 December 2012 | GMT +5
Youth continues to discuss new "Kazakhstan-2050" Strategy
ASTANA. December 21. KAZINFORM Reps of Zhas Otan youth wing of the Nur Otan People's Democratic Party continue to promote new "Kazakhstan-2050" Strategy.

This time they paid a visit to "Tsesna-Astyk" Group Ltd. to talk to young people about the implementation of the new state-of-the-nation address.
The strategy is a strategic document presented by the Head of State that pays special attention to the younger generation of Kazakhstanis. And such meetings with youngsters allow to discuss the main guidelines of the strategy in more details.
The meeting brought together executive secretary of the Zhas Otan Nurlan Sydykov, chairman of the Youth Committee under the Kazakh Trade Unions' Federation Kairat Zhanabekov, heads of the republican youth organizations and many others.