Zhambyl region akim Bozumbayev: 2009 was year of hopes

MBYL REGION. December 28. KAZINFORM /Galina Skripnik/ "2009 was the year of hopes for me, hopes that the world crisis will come to the end and our country be able to preserve economical stability", Akim of Zhambyl region Kanat Bozumbayev said in the interview to Kazinform. "I consider that implementation of the plans set by the Kazakh President is necessary in this matter. These are the crisis consequences overcoming and forcing of the economic development of the country that needs the economy industrialization, increase of people's welfare, liquidation of corruption", K.Bozumbayev said.

 According to Bozumbayev, Kazakhstan preserved stability this year, new brands appeared in the country due to the personal participation of the Head of the State in the stabilization of the situation in the country.

  Mr. Bozumbayev, having got acquainted with the situation in a half of municipalities of the region can you estimate the state of the region?

Unfortunately, the economy of Zhambyl region doesn't face the recovery yet. The index of the actual volume on the gross domestic product has decreased by 30%. However, good weather led to good harvest, the rate of the agriculture in the GDP increased. The utilization of funds of the Road Map is satisfying. There still exist a number of problems with the infrastructure - roads, heating, etc. But they aren't catastrophic, everything can be put right.

 What can you say about the development of local business?

  Unfortunately, there are a few investments to the capital stock. Three large investment projects are implemented in the region but there should be a lot of small projects in small and medium business. Processing of agricultural production is not developed. For example, 263 thousand tons of milk is received per a year whereas about 150 thousand of milk is used only. By other words the rest part of milk can be processed. But the processing is only about 17 percent. There is such a situation that the regional budget has no economic stimulus for the development of agriculture in the region which is traditionally considered as the agricultural one.

 Will there be a special program for Zhambyl region?

  Yes, we will have one. We will see what we can produce, sell, process and what investments are required. And it will not be just a simple deskbound document but a clear strategy of the region for nearest five years. We will involve western specialists for the development of this strategy. In January I plan to complete acquaintance with all regions and a new program will be presented in March. We want to attract investments - Kazakhstani national capital and the foreign one. We want to bring life into market, reduce unemployment, reconstruct roads and exterminate such negative moments when people in rural districts have to live without water.

  What are your expectations from the upcoming year?

 I expect a lot of work and solutions for many problems. There is really much work to do.

  Thank you for the interview. We wish you good luck!

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