Zhambyl region to build 2.8 million m2 of housing by 2020.

TARAZ. KAZINFORM - KZT 78 billion of budgetary funds have been allocated in Zhambyl region, in the framework of the state program "Affordable Housing - 2020".

In the regional administration assured that Zhambyl region will build 2.8 million square meters of housing by 2020. Administration for construction, passenger transport and motor roads of Zhambyl region noted that a house-building factory has being constructed in the region. The plant will operate in accordance with the German technology. Over the past years 442 thousand square meters of housing have been commissioned. Total area of commissioned housing in the region as of 2013 amounted to 256.7 thousand square meters which is 13.6% more than in 2012. According to statistics, in January - February 2014 246 new buildings have been put into operation in Zhambyl region.

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