16:31, 15 December 2009 | GMT +5
Zhantore (1759-1809) is an officially recognized by the Russian Empire khan of Small Zhuz (1805-1809), co-leader of Karatay Khan and Abilgazy Khan. He is the elder son if Aishuak and Abilkhairs' grandson.

At the beginning of 1790 he participated in the movement of Syrym Datov but later took side of Orenburg administration. According to the characteristic of the Chairman of Orenburg Boundary Committee he was brave and clever.
In 1805 he was elected the khan according to the recommendation of Orenburg military governor G. Volkonsky. But he was not popular and had not social support among Kazakh people.
In 1809 he was killed by the order of Karatay Sultan near Mergen fortress.
Source: Kazakhstan, National Encyclopedia, Volume 2.