08:33, 06 June 2022 | GMT +6
Zhas Project kicks off in Kazakhstan
AKTAU. KAZINFORM The Zhas Project (The youth project) kicked off in Mangistau region as well the countrywide for the young people aged 18-29 years old.
«The project will provide a grant to the selected to develop their own business,» deputy chairman of the civil initiatives support centre Zhasulan Bissembayev told an online briefing.
The selected social projects will get KZT 1 mln. A team of 3-5 people may jointly work on a project. The winners will purchase the needed equipment and provide services to the population for 3 months free of charge.
The Zhas Project is being developed in Kazakhstan since 2017 and is purposed to reduce youth unemployment and let young people get skills to achieve greater success.
The call for grant bids will start in early July. The applications should be submitted to the civil initiatives support centre.