ZHOLBARYS KHAN, ZHOLBARYS ABDOLLAULY (1690-1740) – a khan of the Great zhuz (1718/20-1740).
His permanent residency was situated in Tashkent. In the foreign policy he strove for blunting the Dzungars? attacks and followed the policy of rapprochement with Russia. In 1726 he took part in the All-Kazakh Congress in the Ordabassy district. He was under protectorate of the Dzungarian rulers. But he tried to establish ties with Russia. At the end of 1930-s of XVIII century together with khan of the Middle zhuz Abylai he headed a struggle against the Dzungars. They succeeded in releasing Tashkent and Sairam cities. On April 5, 1740 Zholbarys was killed by the local Hodges in the Tashkent mosque. He was buried in Turkestan. After he was murdered the foreign political situation in the Kazakh steppe became insecure. Tole bi ruled Tashkent after the death of Zholbarys. Zholbarys?s activity was an important step in formation and development of the Kazakh states. He figured in history as an independent ruler of the first half of the XVIII century. Reference: Kazakhstan, National encyclopedia, vol.2
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