Reps of presidential candidate Amangeldy Taspikhov meet with citizens

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM - Activists of the regional campaign offices of Amangeldy Taspikhov, the candidate for the Presidency of Kazakhstan nominated by the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, continue to meet with citizens, Kazinform reports.

In particular, activists of the Nur-Sultan city campaign headquarters of Amangeldy Taspikhov, with the assistance of Biakhmet Bilyalov, the candidate's agent and Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of Bus Fleet No. 1, handed out campaign materials to the passengers of a bus. In addition, volunteers of the headquarters posted 350 materials in the courtyards of residential buildings near the Astana-1 Railway Station.

On May 28, Yuliya Budnetskaya, an agent of the presidential candidate, arranged a meeting with the trade union activists of educators of Shemonaikha district, East Kazakhstan region. Also, in the city of Kokshetau, the presidential candidate's agent and Deputy Chairman of YNTYMAQ Trade Union Kairzhan Kozhakhmet held a meeting with the staff of Kokshetau Zhylu Public Utility Company. The representatives made the attendees familiar with the biography and the election program of the candidate.

It is to be recalled that the presidential election will be held on June 9 of this year. The pre-election campaigning started in Kazakhstan on May 11 at 6 p.m. Nur-Sultan time. The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan registered 7 candidates for the Presidency of Kazakhstan: Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Sadybek Tugel, Amangeldy Taspikhov, Daniya Yespayeva, Toleutai Rakhimbekov, Zhambyl Akhmetbekov, and Amirzhan Kossanov. The pre-election campaigning will last until 8th June, 12:00 a.m.

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